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The chapter 620 gold 玦 Ji puts out breeze
Front, aureate Gang breeze cold Lie, in that a piece of district, all is quiet, there is no a freckle, disappear a black hole, connect to disorder in the boundary sea and have no place not at of various world energy, unexpectedly also all a silk disappear, imitating the Buddha is a vacuum to insulate of ground, but the Gang breeze of cold Lie as if the demons and ghosts generally and constantly wreak havoc there.
"The gold 玦 Ji puts out breeze!"Worked properly dream to just sweep one eye is there, then unbearable lightly shout 1.
"H'm, is exactly a gold 玦 Ji to put out breeze!Work properly dream, don't get into?"The purple Han doesn't dare to go deep into, at
That outer circle in the one district stopped down and consulted the opinion of working properly the dream.
Work properly dream to drag along Ye Ji vast sky, also where stopped down, shut eyes to respond in a short while, way:"Those liquid metal the person soon will arrive, by this time we don't get into one square clean soil, afraid is very difficult before those guys catch up us, find out another one square clean soil!
"Go in?"The purple Han asks.
"Have to go in!"Working properly dream to answer is a , soon after a face respectfully way:"Carefully at 1:00,
Protect own absolute being soul, never relax!
"Old man, you are as irrelevant as this matter, do you want to take no chance?I suggest that you leave right away!The purple Han releases Ao Suo Si, Don't mention it way:"You get into gold 玦 the Ji put out breeze in, ten have 89 will absolute being soul the Ji put out, you left now, those Di Tai metal the person can't take how are you.
"Not, I want to be a with you."Ao Suo Si insists.
"Is recklessly and blindly do, hum!"The purple Han noodles is no longer upset, soon after take care of Ao Suo Jin, the first
Got into that aureate Gang breeze in the front.
Work properly dream two words don't say, the Ye wears Ji vast sky to rush, , , among them.
The body could not respond roaring and shouting of fierce breeze, however, ten get into among them, the Ji vast sky soul is one Zhan,
But cannot help but screaming:"Is severe!
Body place that gold is driving Ji to put out breeze, the soul ocean initiative of Ji vast sky meets with calamity, that have no place not of fierce breeze, unexpectedly and directly blew to kiss into in his soul ocean, in a short instant, he then brain ache desire unique, even want absolute being souls to defeat and dispersed.
Just one Sha, he then realizes this gold 玦 Ji's putting out what breeze aim at isn't the person's meat body, its
The real power is unexpectedly about to blow about a character absolute being soul, let the absolute being soul defeat and dispersed!
This is to compare a meat body to attackstone more relentless!
Is many in the soul ocean the gold 玦 put out breeze, in the Ji vast sky brain if be been cut to pieces, piercingly let he several desire cries come out, if not that his will determine matchless, and the Jing fix extreme limit Cui body big method, perhaps so a while then accept can not stand, the soul in a twinkling collapsed.
Not only was him, connect purple Han and work properly dream these are two strong, got into gold 玦 after Ji put out breeze, also all profoundly wrinkly eyebrows, look to resist of similar not easy.
"More is an absolute being soul strong person, it is terrible to put out in the breeze and meet an attack more in the gold 玦 .Worked properly dream to deeply absorb an one breath, "firmly stand by a mind, will not drive acute pain to faint off, once fainting off, the absolute being soul will defeat and dispersed, and be not likely to resume forever!
"Is understand!"The Ji vast sky suddenly and violently drinks a , the ray of light is one Shan in the eye Tong.
The Ji poison of his shoulder, ten get into a gold to drive Ji to put out breeze in, be unexpectedly split up hundred million for an instant
Ten thousand lights order,www.beats4monster.co.uk, each light orders all flickering become bright, own the breathing of the poison of Ji.
The Ji poison is being an extremely special life body, putting out breeze in the this gold 玦 Ji, he that Ning chain get up of the soul is obviously similar be subjected to influence, this just split up hundred million right away.
"Be free?"The Ji vast sky endures the awl in the brain to deplore greatly a bitterness and only order intensive place to drink toward that
"Be free, I can re- come together, I can't annihilate, forever can't ……" hundred million
The voice remits to gather and spread Ji poison of response.
Give he so on saying, the Ji vast sky secretly lets go of heart, know what matter the Ji poison should can't have
"Host, how?"The voice of Ji source, the deep place presents from the mind.
"No matter your business, you give me the dollar bead that am honest foolish on sky in."The Ji vast sky drank 1,
Soon after and suddenly realized what, hurried way:"Ji poison, you can also get into dollar bead in a sky!
Ji poison two words don't say that sees an only order and slowly collect toward the Ji vast sky, a body that only orders in the Ji vast sky in concealed have no, imitate Buddha hundred million a glowworm made a pounce upon an unknown abyss and in a short while disappeared without a trace.
The Ji poison once lived in the dollar bead in sky for many years, he acquainted with for a sky, everything of dollar bead, can easily get into dollar bead in a sky.
His soul scatters the light that changes into after to order, 11 re- come together in the dollar bead in sky, not much, he remoulds body in the dollar bead in sky, again variety for the sake of the original shape, send out mind Xun to read to the Ji vast sky:"This a while, I was free.
"H'm, like at in treat."The Ji vast sky quickly responded to a , soon after and with bate breath concentrate, make an effort to resist to come from to spread in the soul ocean of pain-suffering.
In this process, one silk fresh and cool and matchless breathing, silently spread to overflow from that great void Mi record, remitted his soul ocean, that fresh and cool breathing, imitate if Wen Run is the whole wounds to painfully work properly
Medicine, under its infusion, Ji vast sky spirit is of one earthquake, suddenly the gold of Nue drives Ji to put out breeze and seem is not so fierce either.
Suddenly feel in the soul ocean four
On the contrary purple Han and work properly dream two
, Is all like facing mortal enemy facial expression, their souls undulate very weird, very unsteady, the Ji vast sky is known with absolute being to silently respond, discover that their absolute being souls imitate Buddha at take place big explosion, the soul breathing that grows body dashing dint is restless to open, lets the public absolute being accompany crack.
Obviously, purple Han and work properly the gold 玦 Ji that the dream faces to put out breeze, faces than him badly too many.
Not distance, the that Ao Suo Si unexpectedly and really risks death into, sees the Ao Suo Si Zi a tooth mouth, the noodles permits ferocious fearfulness, is also coming to resist gold desire with all strength:The Ji puts out the influence of breeze, a shape that all wants to collapse at any time.
However, he simply set up with props.
Singing of his madness weird voodoo, strange of mentality proliferation open and formed one naked eye of Yu Nan difficult see of spirit wall Zhang, the built-up protection wears his head and influences those golds to drive Ji to put out blowing of breeze to kiss.
In this strange district, more is a strong absolute being soul strength person, the gold desire for being subjected to:Ji's putting out breeze is more fierce, the Ji vast sky original Jing fixs extreme limit Cui body big method, for the endurance of the ache the far super ordinary people is even if to don't ask for help of the help that the great void Mi records, he can also in the gold desire:The Ji keeps on putting out a survival in breeze.
Get Wen Yang whom the great void Mi records that fresh and cool breathing, he the soul ocean is subjected to gold desire:Ji's putting out breeze influence is lowered a lot and made him able to isn't only safe and sound, but also have free time to conjecture other people in this district.
It is 2 people to work properly dream and purple Han, although the pressure of acceptance has to be much big,they are obviously two to the gold desire:The Ji puts out breeze to relatively acquaint with, 2 people were extremely painful in the beginning, however, lead not much long after, these 2 people also gradually adapted to that kind of painful, slowly approached toward the target.
That is a light of fist size to order and gleam bright ray of light, with the light hole that extensive expanse of stars diagram result in extremely of likeness, imitated a Buddha to lead to an unfamiliar world.
Work properly dream and purple Han 2 people's facial expression, that place was a destination.
The Ji vast sky silently released absolute being to know to respond for a while, the absolute being knew to curl up to only order over there on, but don't realize any different breathing.
"Is that a clean your so-called space soil?"The Ji vast sky strange Lao asks a way.
"You, do you still have free time to talk?"Working properly dream to slightly show is painful wrinkly the eyebrows , on the cool face, overflow in the eye Tong full unimaginable.
She compares anyones to all understand this gold 玦 the Ji put out the fearfulness of breeze, in those early years the first time when she set foot in this type of district really was a painful dying to live to ⅹ .The Ё is very anxious to to give up all the holdouts of the minds, can be driven by that gold the Ji put out breeze to give° her absolute being soul to blow about just good.
Ji vast sky obviously is also the first get into gold 玦 the Ji put out breeze in, however, he unexpectedly at this safe and sound, and spare time talks and sees his shape, seem to be not how be subjected to gold desire:The Ji puts out the influence of breeze, this then lets to work properly to wake up from a dream strange bolt.
"The this gold 玦 Ji puts out breeze really severe, however, my orientation dint is stronger."Ji vast sky
Once the Hey Hey smile and have never brought up great void Mi to record, way:"Does that only order to would be clean soil?"
"That is the entrance of clean soil!"The purple Han bites a tooth, spirit way:"Do not talk, talk here
Will make us divide attention!
Give she so on shouting, the Ji vast sky cautiously saw one eye, from the purple Han with work properly the face of dream up see bitterness bitterness flounder, then understand this gold desire:The Ji puts out breeze to their influence indeed as expected and biggest, unexpectedly make these 2 people so very careful.
"Oh."Ordered to nod, the Ji vast sky lightly shut worthy of a look, feel to come from purple Han and work properly absolute being soul on dream body violent motion, gradually, he knows in such a place and works properly dream and the strength of the purple Han to greatly be subjected to influence, if he wants to leave, this is absolutely the good opportunity of an once in a lifetime.
The Di left confusion boundary sea especially, nine tails and wood absolute being, feathers connect 3 people and knew to be subjected to huge influence in his absolute being, very difficult again respond his existence, now once from here leave, this boundless disorder field sea he can be as one pleases to gallop about, need not worry to work properly dream and purple Han these two may start to him at any time of strong.
Exactly want to walk?
If the Ji vast sky is hesitant, secretly deliberate in the heart, leave, he temporarily can't be subjected to any dangerous, however also probably run into a liquid metal person in the outside, later day, if could not search to conceal.The great void Mi records of method, he is still again worked properly dream and purple Han Dai up …… ()
Measured for a while gain and loss, the Ji vast sky finally decided and worked properly dream and purple Han foolish together, at least follow 2 people, before doing not attain a source head, he should be safe and sound.
There is so long time buffer for a while, perhaps that Ji source has already blended nine kinds of source fires, he perhaps can also be getting further, till that time, work properly dream and purple Han 2 people perhaps have already canned not held him.
Think so in the heart, the Ji vast sky is tiny tiny on smiling, way:"My forerunner went to.
The words fall, he cast aside to work properly dream and purple Han and put out in the gold 玦 Ji breeze in rapid only order to fly toward that
"No forerunner!"Once the purple Han see him so fast and endure an absolute being soul drive gold desire:The Ji puts out breeze four
Pain and sufferings of the Nue fiercely exclaims.
"!"Respond to hers unfortunately, just one of Ji vast sky is long call.
So in a short while, he incredibly has already drilled into.
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